
Original price was: $2.75.Current price is: $2.50.

This lesson is intended to teach students how to differentiate between ten different propaganda techniques:

  • Bandwagon
  • Repetition
  • Transfer
  • Testimonial
  • Exigency
  • Glittering Generality
  • Card-Stacking
  • Innuendo
  • Snob Appeal
  • Just Plain Folks

This is useful instruction in most Social Studies and we use it with current events and a review of political speeches like the State of the Union address.

Be sure to read our Teaching Guide for the Concept Attainment Strategy first as it provides the methodology and process behind this lesson’s format.

  • Subject Areas: Social Sciences, History, Humanities, Government
  • Materials Required: Advertisements (easily found on YouTube) are the suggested main data set, but historical posters would work, too.  Optional – whiteboard or display for posting prompts, copies of provided handout
  • Time Needed: Typically an entire class period