
Original price was: $2.75.Current price is: $2.50.

This lesson provides students with an opportunity to role play two different survival tests; one being lost on the moon, the other surviving a plane crash in the desert.  (We liked to use one test for one grade, and the other for another grade level.) Students attempt to rank a list of items individually, then within a team.

The ranking of these lists are then scored against an experts ranking.  Teachers may then use the individual and team scoring for discussing the strengths (or weaknesses) they found in their respective teams.  Good teams listen to everyone’s ideas and will (nearly) always score better than an individual alone.

These role plays are always a big hit and fun lessons for students.

  • Subject Areas: Any
  • Materials Required: Copies of handouts in packet (or means of displaying them), paper for students.
  • Time Needed: Typically an entire class period.